Fight for $15 Call In Days 9/27 and 9/28!
<B><C>Help the Fight for a $15 Minimum Wage!</C></B><p><B>Background:</B><p>Last spring a bill was introduced to raise the minimum wage to $15/hr by 2020. The Health and Human Services (HHS) Committee is currently considering the bill. Two of the three members on that committee, Councilmember Roger Berliner and Councilmember Craig Rice, have not co-sponsored the bill and have indicated opposition. We are calling these Councilmembers to let them know we want a $15 minimum wage by 2020 with NO exceptions and NO exemptions, and we want them to pass the bill out of committee.
<B>Please call Council Vice President Berliner on September 27 and Councilmember Rice on September 28! The calls take 1-2 minutes each (<I>really, we promise, that is not an exaggeration!<I>), so you will make a big impact spending about 5 minutes of your time.</B>
A script and phone #'s are below.
<B>You will also receive a text message each day reminding you about your call and noting whether there have been any changes to the script.</B>
<p>"Hi, my name is _______. I am a Montgomery County resident and voter.
I am calling to let you know I support the bill for a $15 minimum wage by 2020. I hope you will support a strong bill that covers all workers--no exceptions, no exemptions--and that as a member of HHS you will take the first step by voting to pass this legislation through committee. Thank you for taking these calls and listening to the community!"</p></C>
<p><I>Please thank the staff with whom you speak - they work hard and are fielding a lot of our calls!</I></p>
<p><B>Please sign up for a time slot to call Councilmember Berliner on September 27 and Councilmember Rice on September 28. <i>You will sign up for ONE slot and call at the same time each of the two days.<i/>
</B></p>If you live in Councilmember Berliner's or Rice's District, please make sure you mention that first thing!
<p>Don't know your District? Go to http://www2.montgomerycountymd.gov/mccouncildistrict/</p>
<B><p>Tuesday, September 27, Council Vice President Berliner (District 1), 240-777-7828 </p>
<p>Wednesday, September 28, Councilmember Rice (District 3), 240-777-7955</p></B>
<p><B>THANK YOU FOR TAKING ACTION! By showing Councilmembers their constituents, the people of Montgomery County, are FightingFor15, we can win a strong bill.</B></p></CENTER>
<p><CENTER><I>Email holli@jufj.org if you have any questions or need to change your call-in time. If you let us know the new call-in time, we'll adjust your text reminder.
<p><B>Note:</B> If your preferred time slot is filled, call anyway--but we would love to know you participated, so please email holli@jufj.org with your name, time slot, and phone # so that you will receive a text reminder. If you can't call at the time you signed up for, also please call when you can!</I></CENTER></p>