Call the DC Council About the Budget Weekly!
Each week of budget season we've been calling Councilmembers and asking them to act on our priorities. When we can't visit the Council in person, a personal phone call is the next best thing!
August 9 is the last call-in day of budget season! This week we're calling the 8 Councilmembers who voted to raise taxes for high-income earners to fund childcare and affordable housing. We're asking each of you to call two Councilmembers. Please refer to the text reminder to see which two Councilmembers to call, and then use the phone numbers and script below. If you live in Ward 1, 4, 6, 7 or 8, please also call your Ward representative and tell them they represent you. Each call should take less than a minute. If you don't know what Ward you live in, click here.
When you call:
Use the scripts below as a guide, but feel free to share any personal reasons for why you are making this phone call.
To call Councilmember Christina Henderson (At-Large): 202-724-8105
To call Councilmember Robert White (At-Large): 202-724-8174
To call Councilmember Elissa Silverman (At-Large): 202-724-7772
To call Councilmember Brianne Nadeau (W1): (202) 724-8181
To call Councilmember Janeese Lewis-George (W4): (202) 724-8052
To call Councilmember Charles Allen (W6): (202) 724-8072
To call Councilmember Vincent Gray (W7): (202) 724-8068
To call Councilmember Trayon White (W8): (202) 724-8045
(If you get voicemail instead of a staffer, please hang up and try back in a few minutes if you can. If you call a few times and still keep getting voicemail, feel free to leave a message using the script below.
“Hi, my name is ____. [if calling your representative add "and I live in Ward __"]. I’m calling to thank the Councilmember for supporting a tax increase for high-income earners to fund childcare and affordable housing. We're counting on you to get this over the finish line at tomorrow's final budget vote! I also urge the Councilmember to do everything they can to get the funding for increased compensation for early educators out the door and into the pockets of childcare workers as soon as possible. I really care about these issues because: [Your reason goes here. It can be as simple as “I care about my neighbors” or “I want to live in a city that puts people first,” but if you would be affected personally by the new tax or you have a personal story related to childcare, please share that!] Thank you for taking my call!”
Remember to thank the staff you talk to - they work hard and are fielding a lot of our calls!
Email margo@jufj.org if you have any questions.