Call Councilmembers Robert White and Mary Cheh
Each week of budget season we're calling councilmembers and asking them to act on our priorities. When we can't visit the Council in person, a personal phone call is the next best thing!
This week we're calling Councilmember Robert White (At-Large) and Councilmember Mary Cheh (Ward 3). Please call both Councilmembers if you are able- each call should take less than a minute. The script is the same for both.
Use the script below as a guide, but feel free to share any personal reasons for why you are making this phone call. If you need help figuring out your Ward, click here.
To call Councilmember White: 202-727-8229
To call Councilmember Cheh: 202-724-8062
(If you get voicemail instead of a staffer, please hang up and try back in a few minutes if you can. If you call a few times and still keep getting voicemail, feel free to leave a message using the script below. For Councilmember Cheh only: if the voicemail box is full and you can't reach a staffer, please send your message as a brief email to Michael Porcello, Councilmember Cheh's Legislative and Committee Director, at mporcello@dccouncil.us. Thanks for your flexibility!)
“Hi, my name is _________ [If you live in Ward 3 and are calling Councilmember Cheh, add: and I live in Ward 3]. I’m calling to ask the Councilmember to speak out at Thursday's Council work session for strengthening childcare subsidies by adding $60 million in ongoing money and expanding paid family leave by implementing the Committee on Labor's full recommendations. And I strongly urge the Councilmember to support raising taxes on residents who earn over $250,000 a year so we can pay for things like increased childcare subsidies year after year. I really care about these issues because: [Your reason goes here. It can be as simple as “I care about my neighbors” or “I want to live in a city that puts people first,” but if you would be affected personally by the new tax or you have a personal story about needing child care or family leave, please share that!] Thank you for taking my call!”
Remember to thank the staff you talk to - they work hard and are fielding a lot of our calls!
Stay tuned for info about next week's call, and email margo@jufj.org if you have any questions.