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A Menagerie Happening

A Menagerie Happening

On November 15th the Gallery at the Berkeley Potters Guild will be turned into Pet Consultations, Mini Workshops, and Clay Animal Demonstrations.

Get a chance to put your hands in clay and put in a little spark of life from an animal that you love. Pat Simons will be doing a demonstration of how to make Bas Relief clay sculpture tiles, and then leading two workshops (limited to 6 people each) in how to make the tiles. As an extra bonus (and a chance to have a little fun raising money for the local animal shelter), bring a photo of your beloved pet. Each $10 donation, will give an extra name in the hat and which ever animal is pulled, will be used as the model for the demo, and their owner will get the final custom tile. ☺

Bas Relief Demo (Bring photo of your animal--one will be randomly picked to be made into piece)
Sat, Nov 15 @ 11:30 AM
Learn to make a Bas Releief Tile
Sat, Nov 15 @ 12:00 PM
Second Demo
Sat, Nov 15 @ 12:00 PM
Learn to make a Bas Releief Tile
Sat, Nov 15 @ 2:00 PM
Live Pet Commision
Sat, Nov 15 @ 3:00 PM